Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Italy Econ Min: Government Stimulus Package Fully Financed

Italy Econ Min: Government Stimulus Package Fully Financed

ROME -(Dow Jones)- Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said Tuesday that the government's latest economic stimulus package, aimed at boosting investment and confidence in Italian businesses, is fully financed.

The government hasn't yet confirmed how much the stimulus is worth, but a person familiar with the situation told Dow Jones Newswires Friday that the package is worth about EUR4.5 billion.

Speaking at a press conference in Rome, Giulio Tremonti also said Italian companies and families will save EUR2 billion from lower bank fees.

The stimulus package includes tax breaks for companies and other measures.

Web site: www.governo.it

-By Luca Di Leo and Sofia Celeste, Dow Jones Newswires; +39-06-69766920; sofia.celeste@dowjones.com

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June 30, 2009 11:30 ET (15:30 GMT)

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